SuperQuad 160

SuperQuad 160

SuperQuad 160


SuperQuad 160


The Volk SuperQuad 160 offers the widest field of view of any lens ever produced. Its ideal .5X image magnification provides visual access simultaneoulsy to the central far peripheral retinal regions, providing a greater marging of safety during pan retinal photocoagulation.
SuperQuad 160 is the ideal lens for treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy, ischemic retinal vein occlusion and extreme far peripheral breaks.
Laser transmission and fundus image quality are sharp and undistorted to the full extent of the viewing field.

Primary Application:

Extreme Wide Field Examination and Laser Treatment


Features & Benefits:

•  Patented double aspheric glass optics provide enhanced imaging

•  Widest field of view of any lens with complete retinal imaging out to the ora serrata

 Excellent PRP and other laser treatment capabilities to the far peripheral retina

 Superior design ensures minimized distortion to the extent of the visual field




field of view

image mag

laser spot

Super Quad 160 160°/165° .5x