IQ810 in Spanish

IQ 810 Laser Infrarojo

  • Con SmartWare, software interactivo que hace su uso mas facil y clinicamente mas versatil.
  • Con avanzada tecnologia de onda laser, para el mejor rendimiento en tratamientos convencionales y Fotocoagulacion Laser de Minima Intensidad (MIP: Minimum intensity Laser Photocoagulation)
  • Compatible con el mas amplio rango de dispositivos para laser, que lo hacen el mas versatil.
  • Disponible con controlo remoto optativo, Pedal SmartyControl(TM), valija para transporte,  y carrito para mayor conveniencia.
  • Fabricado y respaldado por la industria pionera y leader en tecnologia infraroja.

La consola IRIS Medical IQ 810 es la mas avanzada, solid-state infrared photocoagulator representing the latest in technological innovation from the industry pioneer.
The infrared diode laser is designed to perform traditional and Minimum Intensity Photocoagulation (MIP) procedures for ophthalmic applications in the office or operating room setting.
The IQ 810 is an intelligent laser engineered to simplify use.

The IQ 810 features SmartWare interactive software for intuitive set up and operation of the laser, cutomization of laser output and setting, and integrated system diagnostics. SmartWare enables quick acces to CW-Pulse (continuous-wave), MicroPulse, and LongPulse operating modes as well as advanced pulse modalities, Group and PowerStep, for precise control and laser energy output customization.

The IQ 810 is lightweight and portable, facilitating easy transport of the laser from room-to-room or clinic-to-clinic. The robust design ensured long-term reliability in the most demanding environments. intelligently desegned internal circuit results in precise pulse timing, power stability and consistent laser quelity.

The IQ 810 is compatible with a variety of delivery devices including the FiberCheck Slit Lamp Adapter, Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope, G-Probe, DioPexy Probe and family of EndoProbe handpieces. 

Operation Modes
The IQ 810 Infrered Laser laser performs conventional photocoagulatrion and MIP procedures with capability of 3 different laser energy delivery modalities:


Treatment Pulse Clinical Indications Compatible Delivery Devices
CW-Pulse A single or repetitive (MilliPulse) continuous wave laser pulse. Traditional transpupillary photocoagulation (visible endopoints) and transscleral photocoagulation tratment of retinal and glaucoma disorders. SLA, LIO, EndoProbe handpieces, transscleral G-Probe and DioPexy Probes
MicroPulse A train of repetitive, very short, very low energy laser pulse to limit and confine laser damage to the minimum level sufficient to trigger the biological response needed for therapeutic effects, while leaving the majority of adjacent tissue unaffected. Sub-clinical, retinal-sparing (invisible) photocoagulation of diabetic macular edema and proliferative diabetic retinopaty. SLA and LIO
LongPulse An extended CW-Pulse allowing uninterrupted laser exposure up to 30 minutes. Mainly intended for transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) hyperthermic procedures at low irradiance with a large spot size. Low irradiance retinal photocoagularion for localized hyperthermic TTT of choroidal neovascularization. Large Spot Size SLA, Large Spot Size LIO, OMA, and DioPexy Probe


Clinical Applications

Delivery Device

Procedure Disease
EndoProbe Endophotocoagulation

Diabetic Retinopathy
Retinal Tears and detachments

Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope

Retinal photocoagulation
Pan retinal photocoagulation

Diabetic Retinopathy
Retinopathy of prematurity
Retinal tears and detachments

Slit Lamp Adapter

Retinal photocoagulation
Laser trabeculoplasty

Diabetic Retinopathy
Primary open-angle glaucoma

G-Probe Transscleral cyclophotocoagulation Refractory glaucoma
DioPexy Transscleral retinal

Retinal tears and detachments
Retinopathy of prematurity

Large Spot Size Delivery Devices
Transpupillary thermotherapy



Delivery Differences

Portable Slit Lamp Adapters (SLA)
Can attach to over 50 models of Haag-Streit, Zeiss and similar type slit lamp to add the therapeutic capability of transpupillary laser photocoagulation to most standard slit lamps. Diagnostic functions of the slit lamp are not compromised. Micromanipulator versions are also available.

Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope (LIO)
The TruFocus Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope (LIO) is ideal for patients who are best examined and treated in a supine position. It is recognized as the industry standard-unique optical design eliminates the need for laser focus adjustments and accomodates a wide range of working distances. (Dual 532/810 n,, 810nm, and 810nm large spot models available)

The full line of probes provides the ophthalmologist with uncompromised laser treatment of all intravitreal pathologies. All probes have 3-meter long fiber-optic cables that are flexible and convenient to use.

Large Spot Devlivery Devices
Include a SLA, LIO and operating microscope adapter (OMA) indicated for all retinal photocoagulation including transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) when used with an Oculight infrared system.

DioPexy Probe
Allows transscleral treatment of retinal holes, tears, and detachments. Accurate treatment location is assured with the transillumination of the retina by aiming beam. Clinical results are comparable to cryopexy with significantly less inflammation and post-treatment disconfort.

The G-Probe performs transscleral cyclophotocoagulation (TSCPC) to lower intraocular pressure in patients with uncontrolled glaucoma. The G-Probe permits selective ablation of ciliary processes. The patented design ensures accurate probe placement and spacing of treatment sites. Treatment with G-Probe induces significantly less inflammation and post-operative pain than cryotherapy and can be performed in an office setting.


IQ 810 Laser Specification

11 pounds (5.0 kg)

7" H x 12" W x 12" D
(17.8cm x 30.5cm x 30.5cm)

100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 0.8 A
230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 0.4A

Treatment Laser/Power
Infrared diode laser(810nm)
0-3000 mW, max dependent on attached delivery device

Aiming Laser/Power
Red diode laser (650nm)
0-<1.0 mW

Delivery Devices
EndoProbe, LIO, Slit Lamp Adapters, DioPexy Probe, G-Probe, and OMA

Pulse Durations
CW-Pulse 10ms - 9000 ms
LongPulse 10sec - 30 min
MicroPulse 25us - 1000us